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God gave us our mental wings to soar ...not hover 

The only thing Bridgett Renay loves doing more than serving her fellow Veterans is writing. If you let her tell it, the first spoken words from the quiet but observant three-time bestselling author were, “I should really write this down”.


But before pursuing her dream of becoming an acclaimed writer and business owner, the pragmatic Bridgett Renay believed she had to first make good on a promise she made to God. That promise revolved around the pursuit of higher learning and community service and was made after He removed her from a traumatic childhood incident. Little did she know those two entities would be the guiding forces behind her life experiences.


The years of personal triumphs earning a Bachelor of Science in Technical Communication and a Master of Business Administration, as well as professional growth with 25+ years in corporate America and Retired Navy Reservist, tells the story of a journey that took her to faraway places, introduced her to intoxicating people, and shaped the way she views the world and her place in it. 



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As the result, she began to focus her writing on no longer entertaining, but empowering those who deserve it the most. And now, after surviving a tour as a Military Patrolman in the Middle East Post 9/11, Bridgett Renay has rededicated herself to serving those who unselfishly served by her side while never forgetting her unit's motto, "We start together, we finish together."

Community Service is Everyone's Responsibility

United States Navy

Active Duty 1984-1988

Reserve Duty 1988-1992 and 1998-2014

Retired October 1, 2014



American Legion Post 291

Atlanta, Georgia


Team Train Faithfully

Dedicated to Community Service and

Overall Well-being

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