Lunch Break Hustler Academy
Turn Your Lunch Break Into
Your Most Profitable Hour Of The Day
NOTE: 1) Add Cubicle Slave defined video (from YouTube); 2) add Lunch and Learn Leadership course information before the other courses, but don't add the entire curriculum - give them a good tease; 3) link the courses to the Udemy and not Teachable (because if you don't get Teachable students by end of summer you're going to cancel subscribtion
The Underground Railroad for the Cubicle Slave
Which of your side hustles do you do freakishly well? How will you use it to build your legacy? Teach it? Write a best seller? Start a movement? Sell it online? Build a brick and mortar? Well, regardless of if your dreams are to design your own clothing line, coach the next tennis super star, or set this world ablaze with your message of ending world hunger, it all begins with building a trendy platform your target audience will go nuts over time and time again.
Stop settling for mediocre while building someone else’s dreams and start building your own! Don’t you know that abundance is your birth right? And you only need one essential hour of the day to make it all happen …your lunch break. Join the movement and turn your lunch break into your most profitable hour of the day by gaining the healthy kind of phat!
Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! – When you become a Lunch Break Hustler, you are never alone! You become a member of a loyal tribe complete with accomplished entrepreneurs always eager to mentor you as well as beginning entrepreneurs asking the important questions you never even thought of.
The Healthy Kind of P.H.A.T.
(Personal Habits Advance Transformation)
Do you want to know how I went from selling six books in one year via traditional publishing to selling over 4,000 in one week via self-publishing? The answer is now available in my Udemy course.
It's time to take those unfinished manuscripts off the shelf or get that story out of your head and into a book by getting it self-published in six months or less.
Inside this course, future best sellers gain experience on how to pen, promote, publish, and profit from their stories that can do one of three things: 1) build a profitable business platform through teaching and inspiring, 2) remove the shame and guilt suffered from past indiscretions or exploitations by exposing your mess BEFORE someone exposes it for you, or 3) simply use your God-given creativity to entertain the masses.
Click HERE to begin your literary journey.
Pen Promote Publish & Profit
Coming Soon!
Entrepreneurship for the Cubicle Slave
If you feel like a cubicle slave stuck at a dead-end job, but with more questions than answers to start building your own business, this workshop is for you. It gives you actionable steps into creating the legacy you were destined to thrive i
Coming Soon!
Time Management for the Cubicle Slave
If you feel like a cubicle slave stuck at a dead-end job, but with too many time constraints to start building your own legacy, this workshop is for you. It is the ultimate trifecta in personal development – time management, removing mental blocks, and building profitable entrepreneurial platforms.